The Anti-Immigration Movement: Cutting
Edge of a Fascist
Social Movement

Fascism today is a political response to globalization - capitalism in the age of electronics - and the U.S. battle to dominate the global economy. It is the political expression of the objective concentration of wealth and the spread of poverty. Fascism is not about reaction, that is, returning to some past period. It is a revolutionary political movement that arises in response to a threat to private property relations. CONTINUE...

The Immigration Movement Today
American exceptionalism frames today’s immigration debate. Americans believe that immigration to the U.S. proves the universality of the nation’s liberal democratic principles and we resist examining the role American imperialism has played in the global structures of migration. .CONTINUE...

Grasp the Key Link,
Pull the Whole Chain Forward

The fight for the concrete demands of the mass of dispossessed is the basis for the unity of the movement that is building today. Revolutionaries must influence their
consciousness to insure that the process unfolds in the interests of humanity. CONTINUE...

New Epoch Makes New World Possible
Society in transition, as one economic system comes to an end and another begins, is extremely unstable.  All political activity must be guided by an understanding of both the opportunities and dangers created by this instability and the leap or revolutionary change from one form of human organization to another, from one society to another. CONTINUE...

Thomas Paine –
Lessons of an American Revolutionary

Above all, Thomas Paine celebrated and embodied a revolutionary spirit of freedom, and stamped it irrevocably on the character of the American people. CONTINUE...
Understand This Moment, Stay on Course
The vast and diverse awakening gives a sense of both the social and mass struggle in the offing. Further deterioration of the economy will draw more sections of society into social struggle. Contention over class interests will manifest itself in mass struggle.  Ultimately, out of the turmoil will come a polarization of class interests and programs. CONTINUE...

Struggle for Revolution to Make Reform Possible
We are at the end of an epoch and any further social reform will come as a result of social revolution that restructures society to become compatible with the new electronic labor-replacing means of production. This is why we struggled for reform when it was possible and necessary. We struggle for revolution in order to make reform possible. CONTINUE...
Agitation and Propaganda What is Needed Today
League agitation and propaganda also has to offer the revolutionaries who are our audience a vision of what they are fighting for, a vision of the new society that is possible with the new means of production. Our agitation and propaganda has to propose concrete answers to real problems while also politicizing people – making them see that they are in a fight as a class for political power.  CONTINUE...

Editorial: The irresistible nature of truth
As Paine wrote all those years ago “Freedom had been hunted round the globe; reason was considered as rebellion; and the slavery of fear had made men afraid to think. But such is the irresistible nature of truth, that all it asks, and all it wants, is the liberty of appearing.” CONTINUE...
Examining, analyzing and drawing political conclusions about the most critical issues facing the revolutionary movement in the United States today
Detroit: Capital’s brutal reign reveals a class
unfit to rule

Detroit’s workers can’t go backward or stand still. The intensifying polarization of wealth and poverty finds its expression in the exodus of capital investment from Detroit – and from the auto and manufacturing sectors in general. Within Detroit, 40 square miles of land stand vacant – enough to encompass the whole of Boston,Massachusetts! CONTINUE...

To Think and Act Anew

For millions of Americans, the burning question is, will I find a job? To answer this we have to understand what’s going on in
the economy. Two simultaneous processesare going on. One is the crisis of over-production, the boom-to-bust cycles normal to
a capitalist economy. The other is the revolution in the economy triggered by the new tools of robotics in the mode of production. CONTINUE...

Which Way Forward for the Movement?

The challenge of revolutionary work in the movement is to link the inability of capitalism to deliver and the need for a different system with what is the next step now for the movement. CONTINUE...

Politicizing the Social Motion: Lessons from the Battle for Health Care

As fighters in the social movement we need to participate in the fight to get rid of private insurance. As revolutionaries, we have to politicize it. The fight has to be taken to its ultimate conclusion, to a demand that our government works for society as a whole. This needs to be a wake-up call to political action along class lines. CONTINUE...

Revolutionary Times Demand an Organization of Revolutionaries

Nothing can be accomplished until the American people hold a vision of where they want to go and what they want to be. Creating and imbuing them with such vision is the overriding task of revolutionaries and the foundation of our organization. CONTINUE...

Consciousness and Strategic Direction

The historic aim of world society is the ending of private property and the creation of a cooperative communal society. Today, this lies within humanity's reach. Our class must come to understand that its program alone can resolve humanity's plight, and prepare itself for the fight to assert its will in the battle for transformation. CONTINUE...


From the Editors:
Middle East Upheaval Signals New Era

Global capitalism in the age of electronics and the attendant neoliberal policies have created a huge and widening gap between wealth and poverty across the world. Repression of all opposition to neocolonial states whose political systems serve global capitalism has for decades succeeded in maintaining the status quo. CONTINUE...
This Moment Calls for an Organization
of Revolutionary Propagandists

Creating and imbuing the American people with a vision will take the collective effort, thinking and skill of all revolutionaries who seek to end the destruction around us and build a new world. CONTINUE...
Draft Political Resolution

We are living in revolutionary times. Ideas and institutions, ripped f
Consciousness of Class Interests Decisive
to U.S. Budget Battles

The electronic revolution began nearly forty years ago when robotic and computer production methods were first applied to the production process. The resultant job loss and social destruction are penetrating and targeting a new sector of the economy – the public sector. CONTINUE...

Seizing the Future on History’s Shoulders

LRNA Holds 7th National Convention. CONTINUE...
Michigan: Front Line in the Fight for Democracy

This is now a decidedly political fight. The corporate class has openly taken over government and is employing it as an instrument of brute force to impose its will. CONTINUE...

Work Today

It’s been clear for a while that something’s broken in the economy and society. Where, many have asked, is the outrage? Where is there hope for fundamental change? CONTINUE...
Understanding Racism

As the vnsively, but led by a vision of what is necessary, possible, and achievable. Without this vision, the fight remains defensive, or looks backwards. CONTINUE...

Lessons from
American Populism

Those who fail to learn from history will be condemned to repeat it. CONTINUE...
rom their social foundations, are not yet rooted in something new. There is a growing core of the population whose interests can no longer be addressed except by addressing the wrongs perpetrated against all humanity. There is an emerging movement whose demands are political. This is the objective foundation for developing the intellectual side of the revolutionary movement today. CONTINUE...
The Draft Program
of the League of Revolutionaries
for a New America

The United States of America — indeed the entire world — is in the throes of epochal economic revolution. Transformation from electro-mechanical industry requiring human labor to operate gigantic means of industrial production to digitally controlled production requiring little or no human labor is the determining content of our time. CONTINUE...

Without Vision,
The People Perish

As the vast majority of the world’s people strive to make the systemic changes they must make to save humanity and the planet from the strangling grip of exploitation, hunger, and war, they fight, not just defensively, but led by a vision of what is necessary, possible, and achievable. Without this vision, the fight remains defensive, or looks backwards. CONTINUE...
The Leap:
Qualitative, Epochal, Transformative

Humanity, and our American society, are poised on the edge of history, and the burning question of our time is, which way forward? What is the content of our time? How can we explain, how do we understand the disruption, the instability, the reverberations of change that assault the very basis upon which we stand? Ours is a time of a qualitative, epochal, and transformative leap from one kind of society to another. Our time is the launching of a new epoch of social revolution. CONTINUE...


Unity is Only Path Forward as Immigrant and U.S. Born Workers Face Common Enemy

As the capitalists' historical means of controlling the native born U.S. working class unravels, they must destroy the nascent working class movement before it becomes conscious of itself and unites to fight for its own interests. To do this, the capitalist class utilizes historically evolved forms to divide and conquer the emerging movement and to mold it toward their own interests. CONTINUE...
The Politics of Bipartisanship:
Clearing the Way
for the New Economy

The drive toward "bipartisanship" today is the political expression of something new taking place in the economy. The ruling class is laying the foundations for a new political movement that is based on the interests of corporate power that is completely merged with the state. CONTINUE...

Political Struggle Requires
of Class and Strategy

The fight for what they need to survive will more and more force the workers to confront the question of who holds political power. A strategy and an approach that politicizes and educates from within the broad awakening to develop consciousness of class is no longer a theoretical issue, but a practical necessity. CONTINUE...


Bipartisanship: Democracy Debased, Corporations Enthroned

The political battle emerging today in the U.S. is over control of the State, its organs, laws and institutions. The ruling class faces a need to realign the State to protect private property as it faces capitalism's inability to guarantee economic and social stability. Specifically, it needs to use the U.S. State to support the market and its banking system in the context of the worldwide crisis of capitalism. CONTINUE...

Oil and Water: Public Resources Should Be Owned by Public

The Gulf Oil disaster stands as proof that the corporate control of oil and energy is fundamental to the ongoing destruction of society, the environment, and life on earth. Oil is highly toxic and water is essential for life. The corporate control of each inevitably leads to disaster.. CONTINUE...
Young and Revolutionary:
You Are The Future

Daily headlines and news feeds continue to pour out new details on the economic crisis, but they rarely discuss the roots of the crisis – the economic revolution brought about through labor- replacing technology. CONTINUE...

Small Government,
Big State: Southern Program Points the Way

Every day the people most affected by the economic crisis are caught up in the struggle for their basic needs, for education for their children, for health care when they get sick, for housing when they are evicted, for food when they are hungry. And where do they turn? To government. CONTINUE...
Line of March:
Map to a New Society

Since capitalism is incapable of providing for our most basic needs, we need something new and better. We envision a world where all life is cared for and nurtured without struggle and hardship. Is this utopian? No, not when revolutionary conditions make transformation of society inevitable. CONTINUE...
Third Party: Indispensable Step
For Our Class

The fork in the political road that we have referred to so often is clearly coming into view. We can already see the outlines of the coming political struggle. Economic polarization in the extreme is recognized by all and accepted as the foundation for inevitable political polarization. CONTINUE...

The FBI Raids: An Assault on the
Growing Movement Against Poverty

We call upon all people of conscience to speak out against these raids and the continuing harassment of these activists, all of whom have earned wide respect for their dedication to the struggle for justice.
These raids are not just an attack on the anti-war movement. The raids are part of a calculated assault on the growing movement against poverty in this country, and all of us in that struggle must respond to them accordingly. CONTINUE...
Revolutionaries Must Teach Class Politics

Frightened Americans travel to the Washington Mall and echo a populism that says, as one protester did, "This isn't about politics. This is about us," They don't recognize that this populism is, in itself, a political vision and can only turn against Americans facing the same struggles as they do. CONTINUE...

Foreclosures: Reasons, Results, Remedy

The problem of the fight for nationalizing banks for the people is that the government as it exists now is indisputably owned lock, stock, and barrel by the very institutions we are targeting. The struggle for bank nationalization is therefore inseparable from a struggle to replace our current government - which is run by and for corporations - with one that is run by and for the majority of our people. CONTINUE...

Global Shifts: The Middle East In U.S. Geopolitical Strategy

The current worldwide financial and economic crisis that started in the U.S. reflects the turmoil global capitalism has been in since 2008. Previously, the U.S. had been able to export the crises generated by capitalist production relations to other countries, while the U.S. remained relatively immune to their devastating effects on populations around the world. CONTINUE...

Corporations and State Merging to Save Private Property

The capitalist class is maneuvering to make sure it holds on to its privilege and private property even beyond the end of capitalism itself. This is expressed by the merging of the State and the corporations, the naked domination of the corporations and their interests. CONTINUE...