International Polarization Accelerates as the World Experiences Destruction of Wealth

The motion of nations toward regional blocs is expanding. This is not simply a reaction to the military aggressiveness of the United States. It is also an attempt to create or protect markets for their economies, which are increasingly based in electronics.

Illuminate the Line of March Within the Key Fronts of Struggle
It's clear that the nation, the people of America, are entering into the beginning stages of what we refer to as a social response to the economic revolution. They are becoming politically aware of what is going on.CONTINUE...

The Rise of Speculative Capital and its Geopolitical Implications

The capitalist system must expand or die. Either by the intensification of the exploitation of the worker or by increasing production through the introduction of ever more efficient tools of production, the capitalist operates to expand value for exchange in order to realize profit. CONTINUE...

The State: An Apparatus for the Domination of One Class Over Another
The state is a special apparatus for the systematic application of force and the subjugation of people by force. It arose with the division of society into classes in order to maintain the rule of one class over another.CONTINUE...

Now the Work Begins
The defeat of John McCain and Sarah Palin was a victory for the workers of America. But, this defeat is not the end. It has simply opened the door for the next step in the battle for real change in this country. CONTINUE...



Editorial: Let America be America Again!
Today the crying need is for a class party that can organize, develop and assert the independent class interests of the growing ranks of the dispossessed - from the industrial workers throughout the Rust Belt to the destitute wandering the streets in search of homes. Such a party is essential for our class to develop and assert its class interests, and, in doing so, move forward toward the transformation of society. CONTINUE...
Global Economic Transformation

A tsunami is building deep within the base of our society that will erupt into an economic and political crisis of unprecedented proportions. All of society is struggling to adapt to the disruption created as the economy shifts from the one base to another. CONTINUE...

The Rise of New Parties
Politics is undergoing major change in this country. The corporatization of government has placed severe limits on what the politicians and the two major corporate parties can do. At the same time, the vast majority of Americans face the destruction of their way of life. Today's two- party system is splitting and polarizing, opening the way for something new. CONTINUE...

The Struggle for Nationalization

Soaring food prices create mass starvation, while agribusiness gets billions in subsidies. Homes have no running water, while giant corporations privatize the world's water. People die from a lack of health care, while the profits of the pharmaceutical companies skyrocket. CONTINUE...

Revolution is a stage in the development of human society when the tools humans use change in such a way that the old social arrangements -- the way necessities are distributed to those who need them -- are no longer adequate, and need to be changed to fit the new condition. CONTINUE...

Elections 2008:
Breaking the Ties
That Bind

Today 82 per cent of the American people believe that the country is headed in the wrong direction, and they are looking for change. They want solutions. They want answers. And no wonder. The crisis at the very roots of American society is reflected in the growing polarization of wealth and poverty. CONTINUE...

Doctrine is a guide to dealing, in a general way, with some aspect of objective reality. As that reality changes, doctrine must change accordingly. For example, until the end of the Civil War, mass infantry attack was the basic military doctrine. The invention and use of the machine gun forced the military to abandon that doctrine and adopt the doctrine of dispersal. CONTINUE...







Revolutionary Times Demand an Organization of Revolutionaries
These are revolutionary times. Our economy is undergoing radical change that is ripping apart our society. Millions of people face destruction and despair. Our country is beginning to polarize – morally, over right and wrong and, politically, over which direction to go. CONTINUE...

On the Edge of History

As one society crumbles, another must be made anew. In whose interest will the new society be constructed? This is the essential problem of all historical "moments" of transition. All manner of forces emerge in the battle for resolution. CONTINUE...

____________________ Editorial:
The Revolutionary Role of the Human Mind

I freed a thousand slaves. I could have freed a thousand more if only they knew they were slaves.

- Harriet Tubman,
abolitionist and a conductor on the underground railroad. CONTINUE...





Elections 2008:
Fight for the Program of Our Class

Economic crisis and government action to stabilize the economy are drawing the American people into politics. When the government began to insert itself openly and directly into the management of the economy, the whole country was pulled into political discourse — “leave it to the market,” “bailout those corporations that are too large to fail,” “nationalize” – with journalists and students, laid-off and debt-laden workers, homeowners and homeless all asking, “Where’s my bailout?” CONTINUE...

Editorial: Break with the Past, Envision the Future

“Nothing can be accomplished until the American people hold a vision of where they want to go and what they want to be. Creating and imbuing them with such a vision is the overriding task of revolutionaries and the foundation of our organization. – Program CONTINUE...

Political Tactics

Revolutionaries in the practical struggle will shape the ways and means – the forms and methods – of fighting that are most appropriate to the developing revolutionary situation. But they can only do this if they share the understanding that preparing our class to fight for and win the power to create a cooperative society is the task before us. CONTINUE...

Housing Stuggles: Opportunity for New Thinking

In America today, thousands of issue and site based struggles are growing in response to degrading and deteriorating conditions in communities around the country. Changes in the economy, an expansion of corporate power, and an increasingly punitive state are reshaping the parameters of these struggles. Despite all this social motion, these efforts are dispersed and lacking in any sort of political unity. CONTINUE...

The Violence of Capitalism

The capitalists are ruthless and will stop at nothing to hold on, but they cannot stop the inevitable flow of history. We are moving toward a day when the means of production will be controlled by the class that will use it not for private accumulation, but rather for the benefit of the human race and our planet. CONTINUE...

















Only with the Women
Women’s social and economic position makes them a powerful social force in any period of change. In struggle, they have been among the most dedicated, the most militant, the most willing to sacrifice. No revolution has, or ever could, take place without the contribution of women. CONTINUE...

Revolution in the Means of Production

The new proletariat's class position within electronic capitalism is different from the industrial proletariat's position within industrial capitalism: rather than being positioned in contradiction to the capitalist class, the proletariat is progressively positioned outside of capitalist property relations, and becomes antagonistic to capitalism. CONTINUE...

The Earth, the Corporations and the Fate of Humanity

Given the historical new reality, huge responsibilities are being placed on the shoulders of American revolutionaries. The U.S. is the most militarily powerful country, and it is attempting to impose its will on countries throughout the globe. World war – nuclear war — is on the horizon. Revolutionaries must unite around the understanding that saving the earth and humanity will take a massive, global class-conscious movement fighting for the political power to end private property. CONTINUE...

Editorial: Sweep away all that stands in our way

The creation of a class that is conscious of itself as a class and unified on the basis of its class interests does not come about simply because someone wants it. It must be fought for. Revolutionaries play an indispensable role in helping to form the class intellectually and politically. CONTINUE...

The War on the New Class of Poor and the Reorganization of the American State

American society, founded upon the battle cry for freedom, has now gone full circle. For untold millions, poverty is itself a prison whose inmates are unjustly incarcerated. A society that cannot house, clothe, feed, educate or otherwise provide for the basic needs of its people can no longer call itself free. And when the response of government is to lock up those whom it has already locked out, the battle cry of freedom today can only be for a new society. CONTINUE...











Prepare Now for the Battles Ahead

Propaganda is our connection to the revolutionaries. Political polarization cannot develop as long as workers continue to think like their enemy. Our program clearly states our mission. Every committee is responsible to carry out that mission. The work of every individual and collective has to reflect our understanding of the objectivity of what is happening, and to act on that. CONTINUE...

Health Care Today: Human Rights vs
Profits for the Few

A movement demanding universal, single payer health care will increasingly come up against the needs of global capital. Revolutionaries participate in all forms of this struggle, within and outside the legislative arena, exposing lies and leading with new ideas about what is truly politically necessary and possible. CONTINUE...

The Revolutionary Concept of Strategy

The U.S. is set on a path of empire building to maximize profits for the capitalist class at the expense of the masses' sweat and blood worldwide. To achieve maximum exploitation, capital must increase and maximize its control of the the lives of the workers. The struggle is becoming one of survival of one class or the other. CONTINUE...

Editorial: To Think Anew

“The dogmas of the quiet past are inadequate to the stormy present. The occasion is piled high with difficulty, and we must rise with the occasion. As our case is new, so we must think anew and act anew. We must disenthrall ourselves, and then we shall save our country.”

-Abraham Lincoln,
Second Annual Message, December 1862

Elections 2008:
Fight for the Program
of Our Class

The Presidential race is proving to be volatile and unpredictable with a growing number of Americans becoming increasingly dissatisfied with capitalist politics. Among some, there is an increasing awareness that people need to move to political independence from the capitalist class. CONTINUE...

African American Question Takes on New Meaning

Black History Month 2008 finds the African Americans, indeed the American masses, facing a grim and uncertain future. As in the past, we will examine the condition of the African Americans and project what their situation means for the country as a whole. CONTINUE...