The 2007 Draft Program

The United States of America — indeed the entire world — is in the throes of epochal economic revolution. Transformation from electro-mechanical industry requiring human labor to operate gigantic means of industrial production to digitally controlled production requiring little or no human labor is the determining content of our time.

The 2007 Draft
Political Resolution

A tiny but powerful class of capitalists is sucking the wealth out of society and is draining the life and spirit from of its people. They are destroying the Earth, drowning its people in poverty, and entangling the world in war and violence. CONTINUE...


In Whose Interests?
The word “communism” has power – it generates fear and hatred, inspires lifelong commitment, and arouses intense debate. Americans have strong opinions about communism and most consider themselves anti-communist. CONTINUE...
The League Answering the Call of History

Epochal historical change demands that organizations with a vision of the reconstruction of society in the interests of humanity rise to the challenge of the times, and change with changing conditions. CONTINUE...
Revolutionary History and Our Tasks

The revolutionary movement is now leaping into a new quality of struggle. It cannot help but do so since it is the subjective or political expression of the leap from industry to the electronic economy. This process will go through a number of quantitative stages. At each stage, the revolutionaries will have to regroup on new foundations. CONTINUE...

Strengthen the League, Prepare for Struggle
The economic revolution is taking our country toward a critical juncture. New instruments of production are being introduced into the productive process. Often times we point the finger towards the manufacturing sector, but jobs in other sectors are being eliminated as well. No job is safe. Labor-replacing technology is destroying the world we have known, and throwing our class into misery and poverty.

The Key to Revolution
Humans learning to create fire by friction laid the foundations for an entirely new world. No longer bound (or protected) by the natural laws of the animal kingdom, mankind had to learn to think. The long painful bloody journey from superstition to science is what human history is really all about. CONTINUE...







Polarization and the Rise of New Parties
In times of polarization, when the bonds start to rupture and open the possibility of something new, revolutionaries can make a difference. The qualitatively new conditions will set the conditions for the rise of new parties. Their formation will be a result of the battle for the hearts and minds of the class. This is as true for the fascists as it is for the communists. CONTINUE...

Populism in America
The most important aspect of U.S. populism is its non-class outlook. This idea is based on the proposition from the 1776 Declaration of Independence that “all men are created equal” and it has been reinforced by the specific history of the U.S.. This history has included political movements for reform in which sections of different classes have found themselves in temporary political alliances. CONTINUE...



































League's Mission Key to Revolution

Without a mission, there can be neither unity of action nor achievement of our ultimate goal. That goal is to change the American economy, from one based on a system of private property to one based on public property. CONTINUE...

Editorial: Making Strategy Work

Nothing is truly inevitable, and no outcome is assured. It is the human mind and the human will that make the difference. By utilizing a scientific investigation of the world around us, identifying strengths and weaknesses of the enemy class and our own, and developing a strategic plan in accord with that assessment, revolutionaries can take the process, stage by stage, along the path to the ultimate goal for which generations have always longed – a peaceful, cooperative society. CONTINUE...

Growing Social Awareness Opens the Way for Revolutionary Work

As the voice of Tom Paine inspired the first American revolutionaries, as the voices of the abolitionists stirred the country almost a hundred years later, revolutionaries today can inspire the America people to reclaim their country and their lives. CONTINUE...

Understand Change, Influence its Direction

The capitalist class doesn't have to "know" things in order to do what is good for itself. A decision that makes them money is a correct decision. Revolutionaries have no such practical guidelines. They cannot give leadership by opportunistically projecting temporarily popular ideas. They must understand what creates social motion and makes it move in a definite direction. CONTINUE...

















The Immigration Movement Today
Global capitalism has generated a crisis of social reproduction (survival) for millions of people around the globe. Increasing poverty, inequality, marginality, and deprivation are the dark underside of the global capitalist system. Mexico, at the center of the immigration debate, prominently illustrates the global crisis of survival. CONTINUE...

Housing Crisis Undermines
American Dream

Speculative capital is taking another, deeper cut into society, cutting loose a broader section of our people from the American dream, and ushering them into the new proletariat. CONTINUE...

Empire and the Military-Industrial Complex

The military-industrial complex is today an integral part of the U.S. economy. Corporations, financial speculators and energy conglomerates, as well as arms and defense manufacturers profit from war and a militarized economy. Today 51 per cent of all discretionary funds in the current budget are allocated to the military, over one trillion dollars annually. CONTINUE...


There is an old saying, “there is no power on earth greater than that of an idea whose time has come.” Conscious revolutionaries spread this idea and vision of our class as a class, with common interests, fighting for a common outcome – the transformation of society to one in which the abundance the new technologies create is distributed according to need. CONTINUE...

Editorial: Dangers of a changing world demand consciousness and vision

As we go to press, the housing crisis is spreading. Millions of homeowners face loss of their homes and their savings, and the sub-prime mortgage meltdown is threatening to become an all-out crisis of the global financial system. CONTINUE...

Not on Wishes, but on the Actual State of Affairs

“We [must] soberly appraise the actual situation, not on the basis of our wishes but on the basis of the actual state of affairs.”

- Georgi Dimitrov, 1935

New Epoch Ushering in New Forces for Change

The editorial board of Rally, Comrades! has received several critical evaluations of recent articles regarding our position on the changes taking place in society and the economy. No revolutionary organization can develop without criticism, without defending its positions and changing when necessary. In this spirit we are presenting and answering two of the central criticisms so they may become the basis of further discussion amongst our comrades and friends. CONTINUE...

The Anti-Immigration Movement: Cutting Edge of a Fascist Social Movement

Fascism today is a political response to globalization - capitalism in the age of electronics - and the U.S. battle to dominate the global economy. It is the political expression of the objective concentration of wealth and the spread of poverty. Fascism is not about reaction, that is, returning to some past period. It is a revolutionary political movement that arises in response to a threat to private property relations. CONTINUE...

What is a Revolutionary?

Unless a conscious revolutionary force rectifies the erroneous thinking of the American people, other forces like racist, nationalist or fascist ideas, can and will recruit those same objectively revolutionary people to their cause. Poverty does not create revolutionaries. Ideas do. CONTINUE...